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Disciple Making Lab

What is the Disciple Making Lab (DML)?
11 Month coaching process to create a custom disciple making model within your church context that can help reach every man, woman, and child for Jesus.  Jeff Vanderstelt, Executive Director of  Saturate will be our primary guide through this experience.  Jeff comes from years of expertise as a disciple maker within both the church and marketplace.  

What is the format?
You will have both (4) in person trainings (February, May, August, and November), accompanied by (6) 2 hour zoom calls on the months between.  July will be a month off.   Please see the calendar below for more details. 

Is there a cost? 

Yes.  The cost is $500 per church.  This is a unique opportunity because of a generous grant we were provide.  Because of this grant, we are able to create and offer this experience at this cost.  

Can I bring a team?
Not only is the answer 
yes, we are asking that the lead pastor and up to 2-4 additional key leaders be with you.  You will not be able to implement in your church at a high level if you do not have the involvement of key leadership. 

January 24

Pastors Connect: Lowcountry Boil

February 7

Contextualizing Kingdom Impact: Church Leader Roundtable with Dhati Lewis